

Our Mission

The San Joaquin County Historical Society & Museum engages and inspires people and communities by preserving and showcasing the agricultural innovation, ingenuity, and diverse histories of our county.

The Society

The SJC Historical Society supports the work of the Museum. In addition, the Society provides exhibits and programs, as well as develops and disseminates publications and media. The Society meets quarterly and they hold several dinner meetings throughout the year. Each meeting, an informative and education program is presented, which are open to members as well as non-members.

San Joaquin County Historical Society Logo

Board of Trustees

  • Linda Derivi President
  • Brett Diede Vice President
  • Robert Ferguson Immediate Past President
  • Bonner Mendez Secretary
  • David Silva Treasurer
  • Thomas Shephard Sr. VP – Capital Projects
  • Timothy Hachman VP - Finance

Linda Derivi

Brett Diede
Vice President

Bob Ferguson
Immediate Past President

Bonner Mendez

David Silva

Thomas Shephard Sr.
VP – Capital Projects

Timothy Hachman
VP – Finance

Val Acoba
Matthew Amen
Brett Baker
Juan Barroso
Jay Colombini
Dillon Delvo
Mary-Elizabeth Eberhardt
Janwyn Funamura
Susan Grupe De Polo
William Maxwell

Gillian Murphy
Andrew Pinasco
Annette Sanchez
Jackie Sinigaglia